The secret to unlocking your authentic voice as a quiet person in a loud world.
Sensitive people may be quiet, but our voices are distinct, unique, and needed. Through connecting with a childlike spirit and nature's wonders we can find our authentic voice and unlock our power.
Dear friends and readers,
Today, we’ll explore:
💗 the power of (re)awakening your childlike spirit— and how it can guide you in sharing your truth while contributing meaningfully to the world.
💗 the voices of animal messengers— how their unique calls can inspire us to embrace and express our own quiet voices and unique perspectives.
💗 practical steps for sharing what’s on your heart and mind—unlocking the courage to express your quieter, softer voice safely, and in a way that honors your needs.
By reconnecting with our childlike spirit and tuning into the natural world around us, we can rediscover a sense of wonder and curiosity that allows us to listen more, express ourselves authentically, and feel more empowered in who we are as the deep feelers of this world.
Reawakening a Childlike Spirit and Sense of Wonder About the World.
As children, we naturally wonder about the world around us with openness and curiosity. We greet passing butterflies with excitement and ask our parents about the hooting owl in the night.
But as we grow older and take on more responsibilities, our senses often fade.
School pushes us to become serious, rational, and disciplined. Our careers force us to fit into boxes of professional conduct. And in many subtle and not so subtle ways, we’re told over and over again to: grow up, stop asking, be realistic, and act your age.
Our once wide open minds can start to close off.
We stop wondering. We learn that asking the deeper questions doesn’t get us very far. And with enough time and repetition, the doors of pure curiosity, wonder, and imagination close tightly shut. In many ways, we lose touch with the world around us, and who we once were. This is often considered a normal part of growing up.
Strangely, this shift never fully happened for me.
I never fully grew up on the inside. I never stopped asking so many questions or wondering why things were the way they were. Privately, I refused to discard my youthfulness; I played, I dreamed, I spoke to animals, I danced around my room.
Publicly though, I tried to keep little Leah as hidden away as possible.
I was embarrassed of her, and hid her uniqueness from the “big kids”. I chose not to speak up or share many of my unique, curious, and childlike thoughts, believing they made me “weird” and unlovable. This went on for many years.
I’m older now though, and I’ve learned a lot since then.
Now, I see that my childlike spirit, my sensitivity, my pure soul was never a thing to be ashamed about—it’s actually my superpower.
Do you remember Mr. Rogers—the beloved host of the children’s television show Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Fred Rogers was an adult among us who never lost touch with his childlike spirit—and he changed the world because of it.
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ran for 31 seasons, from February 19, 1968, to August 31, 2001. Over its 33-year run, the show produced a total of 912 episodes, becoming one of the longest-running and most beloved children's television programs in history.
The man was truly, a national treasure.
Fred Rogers, with his enduring childlike spirit, demonstrated how embracing our authentic, pure, innocent selves can not only inspire, but also change the world.
In another example, beloved Irish poet and philosopher John O’ Donahue was once asked during his interview on the NPR show On Being with Christa Tippet, how he manages to remain so grounded and warm despite his philosophical depth and poetic insights. He answered with simplicity and humility:
"We are all ex-babies. And we need to know that we are incredibly vulnerable and incredibly dependent... Even though you may be a very sophisticated adult, and you may have all kinds of stuff and status and education, none of that actually counts when you’re brought into the presence of a real person."
It’s a funny idea, but if you think about he’s got a point.
Our inner children never really go away, but the extent to which we cover those parts of us up with sophistication, status, education and stuff, may vary.
The idea that these are the things that make us real, lovable, and acceptable is an illusion. In reality, our true worth and the depth of our connections with others come from our authentic selves—the parts of us that remain unchanged since we were children. These are the parts of us that are honest, vulnerable, open to wonder, and capable of genuine love and empathy.
When we embrace this inner child and allow ourselves to be seen as we truly are, without the masks of sophistication or status, we cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships. And it’s in this vulnerability and authenticity that we find true connection and acceptance, both with others and within ourselves.
You might feel a bit skeptical or hesitant hearing this. Does this mean I need to abandon my responsibilities or become naive to the complexities of adult life?
Not at all. Reawakening a childlike spirit isn’t about disregarding the realities of adulthood (you can be childlike without being childish). Instead, it’s about rediscovering the joy, wonder, and curiosity you once felt and allowing those feelings to enrich your life today as well as the lives of those around you.
I think you’ll find that by nurturing these qualities, you’ll not only find a deeper appreciation for the small, everyday things and feel more joyful, but you’ll be more open to new perspectives and experiences that help you feel more connected.
So, let’s take a moment to reconnect with our childlike spirit and return to the idea of animal communication we spoke of at the beginning of this letter.
Animal Messengers: What Earth’s Creatures Have to Teach Us About the World.
The concept of animal as messenger has been around throughout most of human history and is a belief common to indigenous cultures as well as many different spiritual traditions across the world.
In this way of seeing the world, the animals we encounter are not just things we see or hear; they’re connected to specific traits or qualities, like wisdom, strength, or intuition and these shape the messages they are believed to bring to us.
You don’t have to believe or adopt a shamanistic belief system to benefit from the idea of animal messengers. While not a literal form of communication, the idea that animals have a way of 'speaking' and sharing unique messages emphasizes a deeper connection that humans can have with nature, and suggests that paying attention to their presence and behavior can offer valuable reflections and insights for our lives.
Children know this naturally. But us adults? We still have a lot to (re)learn.
Did you hear that?
It’s the gentle, soothing and mournful coo-ing of a nearby mourning dove.
Listening to it, notice how it feels in your body and any thoughts, words, memories, or phrases that arise in your mind — does it remind you of anything?
This is the message the mourning dove intends for you.
Not so sure? Listen closely. For many, the sweet, gentle coo of the Mourning Dove brings up feelings of peace and thoughts of hope, renewal, and emotional healing.
Soon, another voice emerges from the symphony.
It’s lonely, a bit eerie, and resembles a wild, cackling laughter. It’s the sound of loons calling to each other across the water of a nearby lake.
Loon calls are rich in symbolic meaning—representing mystery, adaptability, and communication due to the haunting sound of their voices. Their message is often associated with solitude, reflecting the introspection of remote wilderness areas.
In some cultures, loons are also seen as guides to intuition and spiritual insight, moving between water and air to symbolize a journey between different realms or states of being. In any case, the loons presence serves as a reminder of the beauty and depth of the natural world and the importance of connection and introspection.
A final voice sounds in the silence.
It’s the voice of a wise and mysterious owl perched on a nearby branch—serious, firm, and knowledgeable, like a world-renowned scholar demanding your attention.
Which bird call resonated for you the most, and do you have any other animals that you deeply connect with?
The Owl’s Wise Message: Listen to Yourself.
Hearing the Great Horned Owl’s powerful call you can’t help but feel a little curious, and a quick search reveals the truly remarkable nature of this species of bird.
You learn that owls, like this Great Horned Owl, have many distinct calls, and each serves a unique purpose. These creatures possess their own complex language, and communicate in ways that are as intricate and diverse as our own.
One of my personal favorite owl calls is that of the Barred Owl whose distinct call is said to resemble the phrase: who cooks for you? who cooks for you all?
This "who cooks for you" call primarily serves to establish and defend territory, signaling to other owls that a particular area is occupied and thus not available for resources (who cooks for you? Who does all the cleaning up around here!? lol).
But that’s not all that these incredible animals communicate.
Owls have contact calls which are soft, rhythmic hoots used to communicate with mates or family, defense calls used to signal distress and alarm with screams and shrieks, and even hooting duets to coordinate with their mates (awwww).
As you rest and reflect on the owl’s many voices laying here on the summit, you start to wonder if he has any messages for you in particular. He does.
The nearby owl hoots again, and you jot down its message on a piece of birch bark that you found along the trail. Surprisingly, he tells you to listen to yourself.
The owl reminds you to listen to yourself, and share your unique wisdom.
Embracing Your Authentic Voice as a Highly-Sensitive Person
Now that we’ve connected with our childlike spirit and used it to listen more closely to the unique calls of the animals along our path, we have come to an essential aspect of our journey throughout this series: embracing your authentic voice as a highly-sensitive person to live a more empowered life.
In the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, the author Susan Cain explores the unique qualities and strengths of sensitive and introverted individuals, emphasizing the value of their voices in a predominantly extroverted society.
Cain argues that sensitive people, often introverts, possess unique traits such as deep empathy, careful observation, thoughtfulness, and the ability to think deeply and creatively. She argues that sensitive people bring valuable perspectives and innovative ideas in a world where loud voices too often overshadow quiet ones.
This message, along with the message of the mourning dove, the loon, and the wise owl serve as reminders that you too have a voice that deserves to be heard. So, consider for a moment what you might have to share and say:
In what areas of your life as an HSP do you feel called to express your true self more openly, and what might be holding you back from doing so?
Start Small: 10 Ways to Honor Your Quiet Voice.
As quiet, sensitive people, we experience our inner worlds deeply, which can make expressing our true selves feel all the more vulnerable and daunting. But just like our animal messengers, whose calls are distinct and purposeful, your inner voice has its own unique tone that truly needs to be heard, not just by you but by others.
To truly embrace our authenticity and live in our power as sensitive individuals, it’s essential to confront how we may be withholding ourselves from the world, and move through any fear of judgment or rejection that stops us from sharing.
But how?
You don’t have to be loud, or up in anyone’s face. Nor do you need to share more than you are comfortable with. There are many ways to begin sharing your voice as a sensitive individual that are safe and honor your needs.
Here are some strategies to help you as a sensitive human share more of your unique ideas, thoughts, and insights with others:
1. Recognize Your Value:
The most important step before you share anything is to simply acknowledge that your thoughts and insights are valuable and that your unique perspective is needed. Remind yourself that everyone, including and perhaps even especially, sensitive people, has something important to contribute to the conversation.
2. Prepare and Practice:
Take time to prepare your thoughts before speaking—this is where sensitive people shine. Practice what you want to say, either by writing it down or rehearsing it in front of a mirror. Being prepared not only helps reduce any anxiety you might have about speaking up, but can also help you communicate more effectively, which ends up being a positive feedback loop for your confidence.
3. Start Small and Seek Supportive Environments
Begin by sharing your thoughts in smaller, more comfortable settings, such as with close friends, family members, or small groups. This can help build confidence in expressing your ideas. One safe place to do so is in our biweekly support group Sensitive and Thriving, where we practice sharing our unique voices in a safe, compassionate space. Find communities or groups where your voice is respected and valued, and where you feel comfortable expressing yourself. In the Nourished Sensitive Collective, we create a supportive space where sensitive people can support and hear each other. Join the Waitlist.
4. Use Positive Self-Talk:
Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations that remind you of your valuable insights, and that it’s okay to take up space and be heard. For example: my ideas and insights are valuable, I deserve to be heard as much as anyone else, and I have a unique perspective that can make a difference.
5. Embrace Vulnerability:
Understand that being vulnerable and authentic can be a source of strength. It’s okay to be open about your feelings and experiences, as this can help others relate to you and appreciate your contributions.
6. Focus on Your Passion:
When you speak about something you are passionate about (something that lights you up), it can be easier to express yourself with confidence and conviction. Identify topics or causes you care deeply about, and let that passion fuel your courage to speak up. For me, I enjoy speaking on sustainability and the environment as well as the many things I write about in my love letters.
7. Practice Active Listening:
Being a good listener can help build strong communication skills. By listening actively, you can learn from others, respond more thoughtfully, and engage in meaningful conversations that encourage you to share your own ideas. Fortunately, this one comes naturally to use sensitive folks. Just be sure not to always be the good listener. You deserve to be listened to as well.
8. Develop Assertiveness Skills:
Practice assertiveness by expressing your thoughts and needs clearly and respectfully. Learning to say no, set boundaries, and articulate your perspective can help you feel more empowered in sharing your authentic voice.
9. Take Deep Breaths and Pause:
When feeling nervous, take a deep breath and pause before speaking. This can help calm your nerves and give you a moment to collect your thoughts.
10. Seek Feedback and Reflect:
Ask for feedback from trusted friends or colleagues after speaking up. Reflect on the experience to identify what went well and where you can improve, helping to build confidence over time.
As you explore these steps to nurture and express your authentic voice, remember that embracing your true self also involves daily consistent practice.
To truly embrace our authenticity, we must move beyond the fear of judgment and rejection, allowing ourselves to be who we are without hesitation. We need to honor our deep thinking and reflection while also ensuring these don’t hold us back. And sometimes, we must be willing to disrupt the status quo to express our truths, even if it means ruffling a few feathers.
Before we head down the mountain.
I invite you to share your thoughts: where do you feel called to express your true self more openly, and what might be holding you back from doing so?
Sharing My Ideas: A Holistic Health Framework for Highly-Sensitive People.
As we head back to the trailhead, there’s something deeply personal I’ve been meaning to share with the world (but have kept quiet for a while now).
Often, the ideas we choose to withhold feel perfect and safe in our minds, where no one else can hear them. In putting our ideas out there, we may fear the possibility that our are actually imperfect, and thus vulnerable to criticism and misunderstanding.
But in spite of our fears, I believe we still ought to put what we think out there, regardless of what other people think. There are people who might need to hear what we have to say, and by holding it inside we withhold a great gift.
During my own healing journey as a sensitive person, I reflected very deeply on the principle needs of highly-sensitive people, practicing these principles in my own life and guided others like me through them.
Over time, this developed into a holistic health framework called the 9 Elements of Nourishment.
In the last part of the series, we’ll finish our journey with a walk through the framework in detail with the intention that you discover the 9 Essential Elements You Need to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person.
Until then, I hope you’ll carry with you the lessons our animal messengers shared with us today and stay open and childlike in spirit as we move into this next chapter.
With love,
💗 Leah
Hi, I’m Leah—founder of The Nourished Sensitive. As a holistic health guide, registered dietitian, and heart-led healer, I blend science with soul, nourishment with embodiment, and personal experience with deep transformation.
My work is rooted in The Nine Elements of Nourishment, a framework that integrates emotional health, self-empowerment, nutrition, embodiment, value alignment, and spiritual growth—guiding you toward a life of greater balance and wholeness.
As an artist and storyteller, I see healing as a creative act. Through engaging workshops, support circles, and holistic coaching, I guide sensitive souls to reconnect with themselves, embrace their gifts, and create a life that truly suits them.
My offerings and writings provide a space for self-discovery, deep nourishment, and personal growth, helping you cultivate a life that feels both authentic and fulfilling.
I’m honored you’re here and invite you to continue your journey through community, conversation, workshops, and 1:1 support.
Our mission here at The Nourished Sensitive is to unite sensitive individuals to foster mutual growth, holistic wellness, and learning, helping us live authentically and contribute meaningfully to the world.
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The Nourished Sensitive mission is to unique sensitive individuals to foster mutual growth, holistic wellness, and learning, helping us live authentically and contribute meaningfully to the world.
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